
The Origin and History of Tantric Massage

Tantric massage has its roots associated with India, and its story is connected with tantric philosophy. Evolving more than a millennium ago, tantra is a very broad category of practices that are intended to attain spiritual liberation, with emphasis upon regulating the vital energy.

Contrary to the what people refer to when thinking of tantra and sex, tantra is all about the healing of the individual. Tantric massage developed as a way to enhance presence and enhance body awareness, movement, breath, and energy connection. Historical background and development of tantric massage technique are explored in this article.

Ancient Roots in Tantra

Tantric massage was developed from the tantric traditions, which originated in India over 5 thousand years ago.

For a long time, was a religious and metaphysical system, who’s was to synthesize the physical and non-physical existence of a person and which paid special attention to the circulation of energy.

Sinodyne of Psychic and Physical Rites

With time, Tantra adopted other techniques of physical work, such as yoga, meditation practices as well as rituals.

It moved more towards countering the principle of spirit against matter, spirit atomism emphasized bodily existence, and the thinking that physical existence could bring about spirituality. This integration made a way for practices that involve touch and connection as a means to attaining other higher states, such as tantric massage.

Hinduism and Buddhism’s Impact

The two major religions of Hinduism and Buddhism had impacted the tantric practices in a very special way. In Hinduism, Tantra was transformed into the realm of worshipping goddesses, including Shakti.

According to the Buddhist religion, especially the Tibetan Buddhism, tantric initiation focused on the lunacy of wisdom and compassion. They expanded the philosophical content of tantric massage, the purpose of which was to express the belief in the possibility of developing spirituality through sexual contact.

Western Adaptation in the 20th Century

Tantra seems to have arrived in the West in the latter half of the twentieth century, mainly in the period of liberal sexual revolution of the 1960s and the 1970s. Teachers like Osho and other gurus ensured that the westerner was informed that the sexual energy could be used in order to achieve spiritual consciousness.

This led to people looking for techniques like tantric massage, though often the modern meaning may be changed to fit the current culture.

Modern Uses and Misunderstandings

Today, tantric massage is one of the recognized practices of massage, linked with treating people and opening their potential. However, there are many misunderstandings, with people commonly relying on this mainly as a sexual act.

Tantric massage has not lost its focus, which is energy work, presence, and sacred sexuality that are meant to help people gain new insights over their personalities and connections.


Therefore, it is quite enlightening to understand the evolution and development of the tantric massage over time.

Starting from antiquity and moving through cultural interpretations and current transformations, its relevance as a biomental concept and practice of personhood, wellness, and sexuality in the modern world proves its importance for today’s culture.

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